Vision Statement: We share God’s love to meet needs and fill gaps in people’s lives
Mission Statement: We seek to bring people of all ages to Jesus Christ by meeting their human and spiritual needs, building relationships with them and opening opportunities to share the Gospel.
GAP Ministries of West Branch First United Methodist Church is a community outreach ministry. It is always changing and growing to fit our community’s needs. Under the umbrella of GAP, we offer opportunities for spiritual and physical growth.
GAP Onsite Kids Camps
We offer opportunities for faith, fun and fellowship with a 6-week summer session for campers in 1st through 5th grades. Our G.A.P. Summer Kids Camp can provide care for up to 40 kids with an average attendance of 30 kids daily. Children are engaged every day in Bible lessons, science and craft activities as well as a variety of special programming and field trips. We partner with our local school district’s summer feeding program to serve the children breakfast and lunch. We also provide the children with snacks.
We collaborate with various private and governmental organizations. All of our programming is provided free of charge thanks to the goodwill of our sponsors, the hard work of our volunteers, the generosity of our congregation, community grant monies, other donations, and the financial support of our District and Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Parking Lot Ministry
Our Parking Lot Ministry offers those in line for food truck distributions an opportunity to use their waiting time to explore God’s message with packets of Sunday school type materials. Volunteers produce, package and distribute the packets directly to the cars as the families wait for their food boxes. The Parking Lot Ministry adds a personal connection between the church and those who have come to utilize the food distribution program.
Halloween Grab-n-Go
We offer a hot dog and drink to people who drive through our parking lot on Halloween night from 4:30 – 7 p.m. All food items are donated by area businesses and church parishioners for our event. The food is then prepared by church volunteers and distributed to participating community members as they wait in their cars.
Join us and become a GAP Hero!
Inquiries can be sent to gapwestbranchfumc@gmail.com
Monetary or in-kind donations are always appreciated! You can mail a check or find us at https://westbranchfumc.org/make-donation/ . Use our “Donate Now” button and put in a note in the memo to request your donation towards GAP Ministries. Thank you in advance!
Make check out to: West Branch First United Methodist Church
memo: GAP Ministries
2490 W. State Road, West Branch, MI 48661.
In advance, thank you very much!